Pertronix Ignitor II Electronic Ignition Conversion 240Z

Brand: vendor-unknown

Part #: 800-366

Availability:In stock

$199.00 199.00


New Pertronix Ignitor II 91761 electronic ignition conversion.
*Not for use with dual point distributors
Will convert points to electronic ignition on Datsun 240Z, 1970-1973. More powerful than std Ignitor. Use with Flame Thrower II coil for maximum performance. Gain horsepower, quicker starting and longer plug life with a Pertronix Ignitor II; and you'll never change or adjust points again. The Pertronix Ignitor II shares the same features that make the current Ignitor so popular but has added a powerful new microcontroller, that controls the dwell period, for the best possible spark over the entire RPM range. Ignitor II offers enhanced performance levels only found in more expensive ''box type'' ignition systems. Compared to point type systems, develops on average 4 times more available energy between 3000 and 5000 RPM and 2 times more available plug voltage. 50-State Legal EO#D57-2.